טיפה אחרת

What happens to us when we float in the water?

A change in the state of consciousness during water therapy

When we float on our backs in warm water, our eyes close, our ears enter the water and we embark on an experience journey in the dimension of water.
Imagine yourself floating on your back, your head supported and your legs coated, to prevent arching of your lower back. This situation feels like you are lying about nothing. At once, the blood flows easily and the muscles can really relax and rest.
Even people who have a strong need to be in control all the time relax while floating in the water. Each at his own pace and to the extent that suits him ….
So when we float effortlessly in warm water and everything is quiet around, interesting things start to happen in our brains. The part responsible for daily functioning, for performing tasks and tasks slowly calms down and gives way to the part of the brain that is responsible for imagination and intuition.
I have been caring for more than ten years and the range of people’s experiences is wide. Some people experience a real out-of-body experience, some experience a feeling of levitation, some experience a return to the womb, some people see lots of colors, some people meet other souls and some feel like they have dreamed many short dreams and more and more

Effortless meditation

We all know that to reach a deep meditative state, it takes a lot of practice and perseverance. What is beautiful about water therapy is that many people automatically reach a deep meditative state, without meaning to and without any effort. It just happens! When a person reaches such a deep level of relaxation, his brain produces alpha waves, first, then theta waves. Even after water treatment, the brain continues to produce these waves and this shows that water treatment has a long-term effect.
When we reach a state of deep relaxation we experience mental clarity, experience love and a reduction of tension.

Who is it recommended for?

People who experience , stress in daily life, difficulty sleeping, creators and artists who want to encourage their creative part and imagination, athletes before competition and anyone who is in the process of inner contemplation.
Of course a single treatment is a peek inside, to go through a deep process, it is recommended to go through a series of Watsu treatments, to bring the beneficial effects of the water significantly more into life.

Continuous pressure

Prolonged stress is a dangerous condition that greatly weakens the immune system. It’s like a car that stays on high columns for a long time … people who are under constant pressure are more prone to disease.
One of the most prominent manifestations of stress is back pain. Try to pay attention to when your back is caught. Sleep disorders can also appear, because the head does not stop working. Many people, who experience stress, over time, also experience some form of depression. Negative thoughts such as: everything is lost, everyone is against me, there is no chance, they do not understand me and more. Such a situation also harms relationships with the people closest to us, and ultimately, ourselves

How to deal with stress

First of all, how not to deal with stress – drugs, alcohol, sleep, procrastination, escape and avoidance are the worst ways to deal with stress!
There are many good ways that help deal with stress: sports, time planning, balanced nutrition, training for positive and assertive thinking, practicing yoga, meditation and more.
But where is the catch …? We will see you offer someone who is stressed and upset about life to come with you to yoga or any other positive activity … Chances are you will hear the same answer – I do not have time !!! I’m under crazy pressure !!!
Here the water treatment comes into the picture – imagine a burning stick being inserted into water … what happens? The effect is immediate !! Studies show that flooding with warm water, in simple words, lowers the systems in the body from fifth gear to first gear.

What happens to us while floating in warm water?

An hour of water buoyancy brings deep relaxation with long-term effects
Staying in warm water calms the parasympathetic system: pulse, blood pressure, muscle tone, breathing. In other words, we downshift. Imagine the engine noise of an auto that had finished a sharp ascent and has now reached the plain.
When we float in the water, there is a reduction in pain. Beyond that, there are studies that show that our brain changes during buoyancy – the part responsible for imagination and intuition goes into work while the “functioning” part goes into relaxation.
How do you feel after the water treatment?
There is a big smile, there is a pleasant feeling of peace, and calm in the body. There is a feeling of optimism and the heart is opened.

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