For questions and inquiries - 054-7359860
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“Wow, I used to do Watsu, but with you it was something completely different!”
This is what I hear sweepingly from the patients in “Another Drop.”
After more than 15 years in which I handle water with a mileage of over 18,000 (!) Hours in which I treated the water , it was time to pack all the knowledge I had gained and pass it on.
My love for the field and my deepening in this mysterious substance, called water
Brought me to a wonderful connection with the living water and with Ron Kedar, an expert in the wonderful secret of living water. In the last 3 years “Another Drop” has become a magnet for many people from all over the country, who need healing and balance through living water.
I personally can no longer help everyone.
The knowledge that has come to me seeks to go out and move on to other therapists
That they can treat and help those who seek treatment, both in “another drop” and in other pools in Israel and around the world.
What I have done in recent months, is a conscious study of all the information that has flowed to me over the years.
I practically combined, all the knowledge I learned in courses and training from excellent teachers in Israel and around the world and all the intuitive knowledge, which developed in all my years as a therapist, into a course for training therapists at the School of Water Wizards of “another drop” – living water treatments. Today, the course is open to you, learning to treat body and mind with living water.
Wishing "another drop" Moshav Almagor in the north of the Sea of Galilee
The first course of its kind in the world delivered in living water
Learn to be an excellent therapist, in living water, without interruptions and distractions.
The living water revives everything that comes in contact with them and clears noises so that your body and mind will enjoy their beneficial effect, throughout the course.
Go through a personal healing process in living water
The entire course is delivered in living water, so your very stay in them will already take you through a meaningful and deep personal care process. Beyond the professional knowledge I will pass on to you, through your personal experience in the living water, you will be a better therapist. You have the opportunity to go through a deep therapeutic process and through it develop into your next level as a therapist.
A boutique course with a personal touch
I only accept up to 8 students! Registration depends on an introductory conversation and match with me. I want whoever completes my training to be like a diamond so it is very important for me to get to know and connect with each and every one of the course.
I’m looking for great therapists who might be able to fit into the team of therapists of “A Different Drop”.
Let's be a part of the pioneers
Being in the first cycles of the “Another Drop” school for training living water therapists, means that you get to receive from me first all the new knowledge I want to pass on. This means that you have the opportunity to be among the first in the country and in the world to have completed a course in training live water therapists. There is a line here for the whole field of treatments in general, and in water in particular!
Become an excellent therapist
Water is a huge love in your life, but what do you already know about water? Want to understand more in depth what is water in general and in particular, what is living water?
Maybe you once learned Watsu and have a longing to return to the water and refresh your abilities as a therapist
You may have been treating water for several years, but you are bored with treatments. Something is missing in your ability to connect to the treatment and you have a feeling that you are repeating yourself.
Maybe you are a therapist from another field in general and you have a desire to expand your range of treatments. You have a desire to go through a significant personal process for yourself and also to learn a new therapeutic tool.

Tired of having a "fun" treatment
You are tired of being a “fun” treatment, you want to touch the soul. There is a gap between what is possible and the experience of your patients.
You have a desire to understand the deep meaning of living water treatment.
You may feel that you are a wider conduit, but are looking for a greater light source, so that you can express your potential, so that you can make a better impact.
This is your opportunity to upgrade the treatment from another gift for Valentine’s Day, to an experience of deep healing for body and mind.
Instead of being busy if your patient is comfortable in the neck
Many therapists describe a feeling of insecurity when it comes to your support of the patient’s head. It prevents you from connecting to the depth of the therapeutic experience. In the technique I will teach you, you can deliver most of the treatment, without worrying about interesting head support. It will change your treatment experience significantly.

Who is the course for?
Beginner / veteran water therapists, who want to refresh and deepen their knowledge and healing abilities.
2. Land therapists, who want to expand their therapeutic knowledge and combine it with with principles from the field of living water.
3. People who want to start caring and feel that heaven is their space and medium.
4. People who believe that a long and comprehensive training process will allow them to go through a significant personal process at all levels.
Admission to the course is conditional on a personalization call.
What does the course include?
The entire course is delivered in living water and includes a lesson with Ron Kedar on water and living water
You have the opportunity to go through a deep therapeutic process and through it develop into your next level as a therapist
I'm looking for great therapists who might be able to fit into the team of therapists of "Another Drop"
10 study sessions of 6 academic hours, led by Orly Gal.
A lesson on water and living water, led by Ron Kedar.
At the end of the course, there is an internship of 3 full treatments, including detailed feedback.
Two bonus classes:
1. Introductory shading workshop with Oren Pezi, using the Natural Flow method
2. Recorded lesson with Oshrit Gur on pricing and marketing. Especially important for therapists!
A total of 60 academic study hours !!!

Orly Gal - a little different
I founded “A Different Drop” in 2007, out of a desire to establish a place of refuge from the hustle and bustle, the noise and the pressure.
I am a Wingate Certified Hydrotherapist and an internationally certified Watsu Therapist.
I am very interested in everything related to water-consciousness-energy and the information I have accumulated over the years, has led me to develop a unique approach to me and the place.

Ron Kedar - From Creation
One of the leading independent researchers
In the field of water resuscitation in Israel and around the world. The owner of the Mibria company. I gained most of my knowledge about water and living water directly from him.
I can tell you, after years of getting to know him, that he is a very reliable and generous person in the knowledge he imparts. A great teacher, with knowledge as broad as an ocean.

Pazi Pine - Natural Flow

Oshrit Gur-Entrepreneurship and Business Consulting
Oshrit Gur, entrepreneur and business consultant for over a decade. Oshrit has the Nika brand, which deals in the field of fashion and lifestyle and specializes in accompanying physical businesses, commercial, e-commerce, small companies and business consulting to service providers from all fields.
For me, personally, she has helped bounce the branding of the business and the sales cycle on several levels. Beyond her professional knowledge and experience, she is hooked and has a wisdom you will not find in books.
What is the price of the course?
The course price is NIS 6,200
The price for registration for two days only is NIS 5,800
Places available at the moment
Questions and Answers
This is a different technique. What they have in common is that they are both welcomed. During the course, we do not focus on a specific sequence of movements.
There is a therapeutic approach, which harnesses the living water to the healing process and return to the patient’s balance.
Do not worry, the knowledge already exists within you. It’s just like riding a bike. During the course, your knowledge will be refreshed and you will learn to speak the language of “another drop”.
Yes, absolutely. At the end of the course, you will have the basic knowledge to treat living water and you will be able to treat the people you love.
Yes, the course involves men / women. It is possible to arrive in modest attire.
To be certified in “Another Drop” there is a mandatory attendance at all our sessions. If you miss one session, you need to complete later.
As in any therapeutic field, to specialize you need more than one and only one course. If you have a desire to work in other pools and this is your first course in water, I highly recommend undergoing further training. I would love to recommend you great teachers.
If you are already treating water, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your therapeutic level, significantly, and combine the knowledge with other blessings.
How to get?
It’s time to make the best decision for you and fill in the details on the registration form