Another drop

The mantra of Dr. Imoto

Dr. Masaro Imoto

Water is everywhere

The sages say that the world that appears before you, is in fact only a reflection from the inside out
And if you ask me, what shows the image we are projecting is the water element.
Even if we do not see them, water is everywhere.
They are within us, in plants, in the air, in streams, lakes, rivers, seas and more …
Did you know that wholes have a memory? Did you know that water reacts and changes according to frequency / vibration?
The water constantly absorbs the information and reacts accordingly.
I read Dr. Imuto’s book “Messages from the Water” about 15 years ago and it affected me deeply.
The book actually illustrates in pictures the ability of water to respond to information and graphically shows the power of word and intention.

Akiko, Anton and I at the 14th World Water Conference

At the last water conference, held in Germany, I met his successor, Akiko Stein.
To my great joy, a good bond developed between us and I had the privilege of interviewing her and learning from her the mantra of Dr. Imoto himself.
Here is the short part of the interview with her, in which she teaches me the mantra.
I invite you to fill yourself with a glass of water, listen and drink the blessed water.

As Akiko explains to me in the interview, our words and intent have a profound effect on the water
And in other words, our thoughts and words are reflected back to us from within us out into reality.
When we bless the water with something, it is very important to see the thing as if it already exists
And it exerts a strong energetic force.

To connect to the water in a glass, is to actually connect to the water in and around you.
Water allows us to “awaken” to a higher level of consciousness and understand that everything is connected.

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