Another drop

What is stress?

It is a survival mechanism in the brain, which recognizes a certain situation as an existential threat and mobilizes physical resources to help us, to escape, attack or freeze
In the past, this mechanism was called fight-flight escape-attack, but today, another option is known – freez freeze instead
When the survival mechanism in our brain detects a state of danger, it immediately raises the systems in our body to high gear: there is an acceleration in the pulse ,, the adrenaline level rises, breathing is accelerated, sweating is increased, there is an increase in blood pressure and dry mouth.
This situation, in itself, does not endanger us at all. Once the danger passes, the body alone knows how to return the systems to the norm and there is no problem with that.

Some facts about stress

No person is immune to stress. However, the cause of stress varies from person to person. One will be stressed from a lecture he needs to deliver and another will be stressed from a job interview, salary call and so on.
It is also important to say that a state of stress is not necessarily bad. Stress can be a factor that actually motivates us to do and achieve. Do you know these people who function best under pressure? Give them lots of tasks and they will tickle work with pleasure. Give them one single task and they will be bored
When it comes to stress, it’s all a matter of dosage and balance. The problems start when the body does not have enough time to return the systems to the norm line and thus a situation is created where we work on high columns over time.

Continuous pressure

Prolonged stress is a dangerous condition that greatly weakens the immune system. It’s like a car that stays on high columns for a long time … people who are under constant pressure are more prone to disease.
One of the most prominent manifestations of stress is back pain. Try to pay attention to when your back is caught. Sleep disorders can also appear, because the head does not stop working. Many people, who experience stress, over time, also experience some form of depression. Negative thoughts such as: everything is lost, everyone is against me, there is no chance, they do not understand me and more. Such a situation also harms relationships with the people closest to us, and ultimately, ourselves

How to deal with stress

First of all, how not to deal with stress – drugs, alcohol, sleep, procrastination, escape and avoidance are the worst ways to deal with stress!
There are many good ways that help deal with stress: sports, time planning, balanced nutrition, training for positive and assertive thinking, practicing yoga, meditation and more.
But where is the catch …? We will see you offer someone who is stressed and upset about life to come with you to yoga or any other positive activity … Chances are you will hear the same answer – I do not have time !!! I’m under crazy pressure !!!
Here the water treatment comes into the picture – imagine a burning stick inserted into water … what happens? The effect is immediate !! Studies show that flooding with warm water, in simple words, lowers the systems in the body from fifth gear to first gear.

What happens to us while floating in warm water?

An hour of water buoyancy brings deep relaxation with long-term effects
Staying in warm water calms the parasympathetic system: pulse, blood pressure, muscle tone, breathing. In other words, we downshift. Imagine the engine noise of an auto that had finished a sharp ascent and has now reached the plain.
When we float in the water, there is a reduction in pain. Beyond that, there are studies that show that our brain changes during buoyancy – the part responsible for imagination and intuition goes into work while the “functioning” part goes into relaxation.
How do you feel after the water treatment?
There is a big smile, there is a pleasant feeling of peace, and calm in the body. There is a feeling of optimism and the heart is opened.

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