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3 Simple Tips To Raise Your Energy

As someone whose main occupation is living water treatments, this issue of water itself never ceases to intrigue and fascinate me.
There are more and more studies in this field and I am happy to share with you the revelations to which I am exposed.
I realized years ago, that beyond Watsu treatments or any other water treatment technique, it is important that we understand the essence of the water itself, in order to apply this knowledge about ourselves.
So that we can improve our ability to make the most of our life experience.
So if you are interested in knowing how to raise the energy level in your body, there are some really simple ways that anyone can apply and immediately feel better.

To understand the tips I will present to you, it is important to understand a few things first.
Most of us know that our body contains about two-thirds of water, about 70% … but if you look at it at the molecular level, it turns out that our body contains over 99% of water.
The energy that supports the functioning of the body comes mainly from the food we eat, but not only … Light and water play a significant part.

Did you know wholes have a fourth aggregation state?

Dr. Gerald Polk explains that just as plants use light to produce energy, so does water in our body.
If we look at the process of photosynthesis in plants, we will understand that it takes place through light and water.

Once the water molecules have absorbed light, they are divided into positive and negative charge.
An electric force is created that drives the entire process of photosynthesis. This is the first step.

In his lab in Washington, Dr. Gerald Pollack has been researching water and their behavior for years when they come in contact with a hydrophilic substance (a water-loving substance) and light.
He calls the fourth stage of water as EZ Water and shows how an electric charge is created in our body that provides us with energy to function.
In fact, the water in our body is water in a fourth state of aggregation called EZ water and they are formed around the proteins in our body’s Saturn.

Its discoveries have an important impact in everything related to our health and our ability in a very simple way, to raise the energy level in the water that is in our cells.

To drink water

Because we understand that the process of producing energy in the body, is directly related to water, it is very important to drink water.
Of course, it is recommended to drink high quality living water and I will explain this elsewhere, because it is a complex and important issue in itself.

Connect to the ground

Walking barefoot on the beach or on the ground calms and improves the feeling even on the psychological level, but if you look at it from the point of view of the energy production process, then the ground has an infinite negative charge. When we stand barefoot on the ground we absorb from it a negative charge that helps to create water with a higher electric charge in our body.

To go out into the sun

If you feel your energy is low, go out and enjoy the sunlight. You will immediately feel better, happy to live. The light you receive helps build the energy level in your water.
The light meets the water in the cells, separates the electrical charges and thus regenerates the energy in the cell.
More than even sunlight, it is better for you to go to the sauna, where a lot of infrared radiation is generated and it is the most effective.

This, of course, is only a small part of the understanding of this great mystery called water and life and Dr. Gerald Folk himself has stated more than once that the more he explores water he realizes that he really does not know and does not understand the majority.

Here is the link to one of his lectures on this fascinating topic


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